Price factory for Magento
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The swiss knife for pricing

Price factory brings the tools to easily and quickly update product prices

Using the manual or mass modes, Price factory is the solution for people who want to :

  • Manually Update price and check the margin
  • Apply price rules for products based on criterias (product age, category, cost, stock, attribute set, sku pattern, name pattern...)
  • Assign special prices for a group of products
  • Calculate sale price based on the product cost
  • Quickly add or remove X percent to the price

Price factory also includes an automatic price changes history to easily retrieve an old price

And more

  • Supports multiple website
  • Supports prices and special prices
  • Smart price feature to calculate rounded prices according to your own rules

Mass pricing

The mass methods allows to change price (or special prices) for several products matching certains criterias

Select conditions for products to re-price

Price factory supports several conditions to select what products you are going to change price :

  • Sku patterns (sku starting with GLA * for example)
  • Product name pattern
  • Product category, attributeset
  • Product creation date
  • Product stock
  • Product cost

Once you have configured the conditions, you can quickly preview the product list in a grid.

Select actions to apply

With price factory, you can update both price and special price several ways :

  • Apply a percent discount or price increase
  • Apply a value discount or price increase
  • Build a custom formula based on the product cost OR on any other attributes like : cost * 1.5

Manual pricing

If you need to re-price products one by one, then the Manual Pricer is the solution

Find your products using sku / manufacturer or name, and then edit the price easily in the grid : each time you edit a price, Price factory displays the margin percent and also the tax amount




by Bruno Oghittu

Nous utilisons cette extension pour mettre à jour nos prix de vente lorsque les prix de fournisseur change et pour les nouvelles gammes

Works like a charm


by Geric Javid

Works like a charm

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